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Monday, February 22, 2016

3 Surefire Ways to Sleep Better

You've heard it often. People simply don't get enough sleep, let alone any kind of good sleep.
I'm one of millions who struggle to sleep well. In particular, headaches plague me prior to going to bed.
I've discovered over time three particular ways to help me relax and sleep better -- and they're backed by science. 

1. Drink a glass of water right before bed. Barring any health conditions, drinking water right before bed is extremely beneficial. If you don't mind waking up to go pee, drinking water before bed hydrates your body for a night full of expending calories, according to an article on newhealthadvisor.com.
Drinking water right before bed also helps clear your body of toxins, leaving you feeling refreshed and on a path to a healthier life.
Most importantly, drinking water right before bed promotes sleep! It's true! Water balances out your vitamins, minerals, hormones and energy to help you releax and enter a restful sleep.

2. Deep or purposeful breathing. I've often taken to purposeful breathing when I can't seem to sleep. It has helped me focus on sleeping and taken my mind off troubles. According to a relaxation exercise on sleepfoundation.org, lying in a comfortable position in bed and taking deep breaths into your belly are your first steps. Then, focus on any places you may feel pain or tension and relax those areas. For me, I'm often fending off a tension headache so I focus on relaxing my shoulders. I've found the most favorable position for this exercise is on my back. I'm able to stretch out my legs, lay my arms on the mattress at my sides and fully rest my head and neck. 

3. Keep the bedroom cool. I've always slept better when its cold, even if my room was down to 50 degrees (I'd pile on three quilts). Science backs my experience, saying that an optimal temperature for sleeping is about 65 degrees.
Of course this varies from person to person.
Scientists have said our body temperature natrually rises during the day and falls at night, preparing us for sleep. By keeping a cooler bedroom, you can help promote better sleep, according to Dr. Cameron Van den Heuvel.

You can easily implement these few simple tips into your life for a better night's sleep.
Do you do anything special to promote a good night's sleep?

~ See you on the flip side ~

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