The election is over, yet the divisive chatter remains.
I did not like either main presidential candidate this year. Nor did I vote for either one.
I voted my conscience, despite some views of my third-party candidate, and made my voice heard on a different, more common sense route for the United States.
I have held off on voicing my opinion after the election. Why? I'm not completely informed on everything regarding our new president-elect. I really regret not taking Jeff Hart's classes in high school (please don't judge me too cruelly, Mr. Hart).
Despite that, I feel the need to at least say a few things.
Although Donald Trump is not my choice for president, he is still set to be the president of my country. I do not support some of his intentions as our commander in chief, but I do realize that not all his propositions will come to pass. Yes, the president has the power to veto an act passed by Congress, but with a majority, Congress has the power to override it.
I still have hope that Donald Trump, despite his many flaws, will do his best in that office. I believe (and have to believe) that he will surround himself (or be forced to surround himself) with knowledgeable people for his cabinet and staffers. I have to believe people will slip in there and serve as voices of reason when the main voices are being unreasonable. I have to believe those voices will be heard and serve the people of our great country as best they can.
All our presidents have had major flaws - you know, because they're human. Many other presidents have been womanizers. That does not give Donald Trump the right to be one, nor does it excuse others from having acted inappropriately.
However, Donald Trump's actions do not give us as U.S. citizens the right to pass judgement. Our right to free speech does afford us the luxury to condemn his actions.
We must stand united, as we are citizens of the United States of America. Notice our country's name is not the Divided States of America.
As Donald Trump uses Twitter and other social medias to spread his unchecked words, please, use your own social media accounts to do better. I encourage and support free speech, but I do not support divisiveness. It is contradictory to what our country stands for.
This morning, I read a brief article titled "50 Groups/Individuals Jesus Says You Can Hate."
I am not particularly religious, but I do believe Jesus sets a fantastic example for people of all faiths in that he loves all people. We have the right to our own opinions, but our country is founded also on the freedom of religion and the right to live our lives the way we want.
Despite Donald Trump's many faults, I am willing to give him a chance. He was elected fairly (unless that is proven otherwise). If he screws up, the United States has the chance to elected another person into office in 2020.
I will hold onto hope that we can again become a united country. And if Donald Trump helps start that, then I suppose his time if office will have been worth the commotion.
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