"I am alive and kicking"

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Monday, August 31, 2015

Distractions shouldn't be excuses

Just get to work

A creeper sits in my same favorite, cozy corner of the library.
Every day. 
Every day he's there with his laptop. And he's an unshowered, unshaven slob. It shouldn't concern me but it does. It's a serious distraction in the best lit area of the building. 
What does he do? Is he a freelancer, like me? Can't be. I never see him type. 
Does he use the free WiFi to email or chat with people in distant locations?
Does he use the internet to search out porn? 
What!? What does he do here every day in his impossibly sloppy outfit, one that includes a button down shirt that doesn't quite button down all the way?
I'll leave that vision to your own imagination.
I know the library is kind of the place for riff raff to hang out, but seriously ... Doesn't he have a job? 
He hasn't done anything offensive, by any means, other than dress socially inappropriately. 
These are the shallow thoughts I try to work on. 
So, then I have to ponder, what do people think of me when I come into the library nearly every day? I typically am dressed casually. Sometimes, I'll be in dress clothes. But I'm put together, not busting out of my shirt. 
I do actually get work done most of the time, but those around me don't see the work I do. 
Instead of worrying about this guy, I should probably worry about real issues, like getting back to my own work. 

My weekend was unproductive, due 99 percent to my own laziness. I attribute the other 1 percent to the fair being in town. 
This week will hopefully promote more inspiration, coupled with lots of reading and research.
I have a few projects to work on, but it's been hard to find inspiration and ambition. 
I've been told to be focused, you must first have a strong body and mind. Well, I seem to have about a quarter of that down. My mind is strong, but only half as strong as it should be. I credit that to my feeble body. I'm often tired because I sleep poorly, never exercise and have an awful diet. 
Goals can inspire people, and once inspired me. Here are a few I hope to use to get started: 
1. Take a walk every day. It doesn't matter when, but I've read it improves brain function, along with your body. 
2. Drink more water. Again, nourishing mind and body. 
3. Sit down and write at home, not only at work. 
4. Stop worrying about that creepy guy in the corner of the library. He's not hurting anyone. Unless he downloading kiddie porn, then he's a criminal. 

I won't bore you with daily updates on how this is going, but by God, I plan to update you once in awhile. Otherwise, I won't keep myself accountable. 

Do you have a favorite activity that keeps you focused and inspired to do what you like to do? I'd like to hear about it!
You can email me at the bottom of the page using the contact form or you can comment on this post.
If I get enough responses, I'll include them in my next post about how my goals are coming along. 

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