"I am alive and kicking"

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Monday, April 11, 2016

Can our DNA unlock hidden secrets?

Cross my heart, I'm really not dead. Just went on hiatus for the last week or more.

I love my job. My boss is the best!
We have some of the strangest conversations, Connie and I.
One day we were talking about our heritages. According to a few family records she has, she believes she may have some America Indian blood in her. However, she isn't sure.
As for me, I don't know a lick about my mother's side of the family, including where in the world they came from.
SO. The other week, Connie asked me to look up the Ancestry DNA tests.
"We should do that! Just to see what we get."
So, we each ordered a test and they finally came today. (I was dumb and accidentally put the wrong building number on the address line.)
AncestryDNA tests awaiting my and Connie's samples.
(photo by Anna Jauhola)
Now, this week, we will take our DNA, send it off and wait for another two months to see what we are made of!
It'll be exciting for me, as I've always wanted to know my mom's side. It's been a complete mystery and I've often wondered if I may be part British or something totally strange.
Instead, all these years, I've simply embraced the Swedish, Norwegian and Finnish heritage with which I grew up.
Now I'll at least be able to have a small understanding of  where my mother's ancestors emigrated from.

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